就 业 延 期 申 请 表
Application for Extension of Employment Term
姓名Name in full
婚姻状况Marital status
中文名in Chinese
出生日期和地点Date and place of birth
文化程度Educational Attainment
专业技术特长Special occupational skills
健康状况Health condition
在北京的住址、邮编和电话Address, P.O. Box and Tel No. of the foreigner in Beijing
护照种类Type of passport
号码Passport No.
有效期Valid until
发照机关Issued by
签证种类Type of visa
号码 Visa No.
有效期Valid until
签证机关Issued by
是否提出过延期申请(如果是,详细列出)Has the foreigner once applied for the extension of employment term?
本国固定住址、邮编和电话Regular Address,P.O.Box and tell No. in home country
聘用单位的全称和地址Full name and address of the employing organization(聘用单位印章)
法定代表人姓名Name of the Legal Representative
电话Tel No.
申请人职业Applicant’s Occupation
平均月工资Salary per month
原聘用期限至Expiration Date of Previous Term
申请延期至Extended until
申请延期的理由Reason for Extension of Employment Term
劳动行政部门意见Suggestion by the labor administrative department
Signature (seal)
年 月 日
yr math day
受理日期Date of Accepted
答复日期Date of Reply