

俄罗斯旅游签证 / Russia Tourist Visa

所有申请需要网上提交电子签证申请表格 / All applications for Russian visas submitted in the United States must be prepared using the electronic visa application form at the website http://visa.kdmid.ru.

美国公民申请签证所需材料 / Application documents for US citizens

填好的申请表格 / Completed visa application form

美国护照 / US passport, one standard picture

一张标准照 / One photo

现金支票 / money order

邮轮确认、机票确认等旅行文件 / Confirmation of the hotel reservation, confirmation of reception of the tourist,

俄罗斯联邦注册号 /  register number from the Uniform Federal Register of the Tour Operators of the Federal Tourism Agency.

非美国公民申请签证所需材料 / Application documents for NON-US citizens

护照必须有至少两页空白纸,并且比签证过期的日期要超过6个月以上。/ Valid national passport (original only and it should have at least two clear visa pages). It must be valid no less than six months after the visa expiration date.

绿卡或长期留住美国的签证,必须提供绿卡或在美国合法停留的法律证明I-94表。短期旅游签证不行。/Green Card; or Non-US citizens should also provide proof of legality of their stay in the USA (US Resident Alien status, form I-94) when applying for a visa.

一张标准照 / One photo

现金支票 / money order

邮轮确认、机票确认等旅行文件 / Confirmation of the hotel reservation, confirmation of reception of the tourist,

俄罗斯联邦注册号 /  register number from the Uniform Federal Register of the Tour Operators of the Federal Tourism Agency.

签证费/Visa fees:

使馆签证费 /Russia Consular Fee:

Single-Entry Transit Visas for US citizen

15 Business days or more   $135

Single-Entry Transit Visas for China citizen

15 Business days or more   $173

签证中心服务费 / The Visa Center has a service fee :$ 33.

俄罗斯联邦注册号 / register number : $35 (Use Royal Caribbean International Account number :44988)




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TheGovService与政府没有联属关系,也不是政府机关的分支机构。如果您选择我们的专业服务。我们会在政府费的基础上收取额外的服务/咨询费用。 What makes TheGovService Different From the State Department? TheGovService is not a foreign government, does not issue the visa and does charge a service fee on top of the what the embassy charges for the visa. We provide clearer instructions, Best Service support, fast turn-around and real time status updates. Please note, embassies will only refer you to their web site, not provide you with any support or updates and will return documents to you if incorrect causing additional expense and significant delays. Click here to Visit Embassy Web Site