访问签证邀请函(一年多次)Documents for applying for invitation letters for one-year multi-entry and exit visas所需
访问签证邀请函(一年多次)Documents for applying for invitation letters for one-year multi-entry and exit visas所需
访问签证邀请函(半年多次)Documents for applying for invitations for half-year multi entry and exit visas所需材料清单:D
访问签证邀请函(单次)Documents for applying for invitation for single entry and exit visa1 申请外商来访报告表一份,盖公章Appl
发布时间:2009-02-26 各区县商务局、亦庄开发区管理委员会、中关村科技园区管理委员会及下属各园区管理委员会: 根据上级文件的有关规定, 为了进一步规范工作程序,简化外国人办理入境签证邀请函
一、邀请表需在客人来华前15天上报。 二、外商驻北京代表机构邀请人员来华需提供以下材料: (1)外商驻京代表机构登记证原件和复印件一份; (2)驻京代表机构境外母公司营业执照复印件; (3)税务
外国人来华经贸活动签证分为:一次、二次商务签证;半年多次往返和一年多次往返商务签证;机场落地签证;职业签证共四类。具体办理程序如下: 1、办理一次、二次商务签证(F字签证)的邀请函 A、签证种类:
就 业 延 期 申 请 表Application for Extension of Employment Term姓名Name in full性别Sex国籍Nationality婚姻状况Marital
台港澳人员就业登记表编号 姓名性别地区相片出生日期和地点婚姻状况专业技术特长学历来北京前从事的职业和地点是否有在内地就业的经历(如果有,详细列出)聘用单位全称和地址 (聘用单位印章)法定代表人姓名电话
外国人就业登记表Employment Registration of Foreign Workers in China中文名: Name in Chinese: 照片Photo外文名: Name in
外国人就业申请表Application Form for Foreigner’s Employment in China申办单位全称:Full name of employer: 照 片 Photo
TheGovService与政府没有联属关系,也不是政府机关的分支机构。如果您选择我们的专业服务。我们会在政府费的基础上收取额外的服务/咨询费用。 What makes TheGovService Different From the State Department? TheGovService is not a foreign government, does not issue the visa and does charge a service fee on top of the what the embassy charges for the visa. We provide clearer instructions, Best Service support, fast turn-around and real time status updates. Please note, embassies will only refer you to their web site, not provide you with any support or updates and will return documents to you if incorrect causing additional expense and significant delays. Click here to Visit Embassy Web Site