


Documents for applying for invitations for half-year multi entry and exit visas



Document list:

  • 1 申请外商来访报告表一份,盖公章
    Application Form to be filled in and stamped with the seal of the Beijing office and the foreign-funded company
  • 2 邀请单位营业执照副本复印件或者代表机构登记证复印件一份,盖公章
    Copies of registration certificate or the business license of the Beijing office or the foreign-funded company with their seals on
  • 3 被邀请人有效护照复印件一份,盖公章
    Copy of the passport of the applicant which should be stamped with the seals of the Beijing office or the foreign-funded company
  • 4 被邀请人护照签证页,即入境记录(在最近半年内F单次至少6-8次)复印件一份,盖公章
    Copies of visa pages of the passport of the applicant and pages with the seal of the border guard on (The applicant should at least traveled to China with one-time “F” visa for 6 to 8 times. And these pages should be stamped with seals of the Beijing office or the foreign-funded company.
  • 5 情况说明原件,盖公章
    An explanation letter specifying the reasons why the applicant wants this type of visa and the letter should be stamped with seals of the Beijing office or the foreign-funded company



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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:


TheGovService与政府没有联属关系,也不是政府机关的分支机构。如果您选择我们的专业服务。我们会在政府费的基础上收取额外的服务/咨询费用。 What makes TheGovService Different From the State Department? TheGovService is not a foreign government, does not issue the visa and does charge a service fee on top of the what the embassy charges for the visa. We provide clearer instructions, Best Service support, fast turn-around and real time status updates. Please note, embassies will only refer you to their web site, not provide you with any support or updates and will return documents to you if incorrect causing additional expense and significant delays. Click here to Visit Embassy Web Site